Course #: 101

List Price: $18,000.00 (up to 15 attendees)

Tailoring: This course can be tailored to reflect agency-unique concerns, forms, requirements, procedures, and acquisition policy.


It ensures the attendees can:

Define the role and responsibilities
Understand the statutory and procedural requirements of the Federal Acquisitions
Regulations (FAR)
Understand the Federal Government Acquisitions process
Prepare a purchase-request work package
Develop performance work statement (PWS)
Prepare a Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP)
Monitor contractor performance effectively
Recommend and provide technical support for contract modifications
Assist the contracting officer in analyzing contract claims
Recommend remedies for inadequate contractor performance
Analyze contractor invoices
Effectively document contractor performance
Perform contract close out requirements

Course #: 102

List Price: $6,000.00 (up to 15 attendees)

Certification: This course meets eight hour re-certification requirements for COR/PO.

Description: A one-day seminar covering topics of interest to technical personnel performing as contracting officer representatives. Updates are provided on case law and other procurement related developments. This course provides an overview of recent contracting trends, legislation, and policy revisions

TITLE: Project Management for Managers
Course #: 103

List Price: $18,000.00 (up to 15 attendees)

Description: This course provides knowledge essential to performing project management responsibilities. It ensures the attendees can:

Apply project management fundamentals for each phase of the project life cycle Prepare the project plan
Select the proper type of project organizations
Define project responsibilities
Develop and apply work breakdown structures
Select best scheduling methods
Conduct risk management
Prepare estimates
Produce project reports and reviews
Using earned value management.

Course #: 104

List Price: $18,000.00 (up to 15 attendees)

A course addressing basic COR issues at a more in-depth level. This advance course prepares the student to accomplish increasing sophisticated contracting related job requirements. Students are introduced to the basic contract laws principles applicable to their key role in the acquisition process as well as introducing the requirements of awarding and administering contracts awarded through FSS Multiple Award Schedules, Government-wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs) and open market buys following FAR 13 and 15. The student is introduced to the special clauses and other unique attributes of Commercial Item (FAR Part 12) contracts. FAR Part 12 is vital in that all FSS Schedules and most open market buys are covered by the FAR Part. Special emphasis is devoted to the differing applications of the contracting concepts of evaluation factors, scoring systems, competitive ranges discussions, award decisions, and

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

Team with the contracting officer and other acquisition team members to jointly accomplish both the project and public goals of federal acquisition
Prepare a requirements package for submittal to the contracting officer
Provide technical assistance to the contracting officer and other acquisition team members during the source selection and award phase
Establish a comprehensive work plan for contract monitoring and control
Perform contract administration duties authorized by the contracting officer
Perform contract closeout and review lessons learned